Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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Assembly Source File
211 lines
; movfiles.asm 10/9/84 gwf
;This routine is called from a basic program. (example below). It finds
; all files which match the given mask in the oldpath directory and moves
; them to the new path directory. The name is not changed.
; 10 COLOR 7,1:CLS
; 20 INPUT"OLD PATH (Include drive letter and :) ",OLDPATH$
; 25 if len(oldpath$)>17 then print"Cannot be that long":goto 20
; 30 INPUT"NEW PATH (Include drive letter and :) ",NEWPATH$
; 35 if len(newpath$)>17 then print"Cannot be that long":goto 30
; 45 mask$=mask$+chr$(0) 'IMPORTANT TO DO THIS
find_first equ 4eh ;Find first match function call
find_next equ 4fh ;Find next match function call
re_name equ 56h ;Rename a file function call
get_dta equ 2fh ;Get current disk transfer area function call
doscall equ 21h ;DOS interrupt number
dgroup group datarea
datarea segment para public 'DATA'
o_pa_len dw ? ;length of old path string
o_path db 20h dup('\') ; actual old path string it will end in '\'
o_off_set dw ? ;this is offset to end of old path
n_pa_len dw ? ;length of new path string
n_path db 20h dup('\') ; actual new path string it will end in '\'
n_off_set dw ? ;this is offset to end of new path file
datarea ends
cseg segment 'CODE'
assume cs:cseg,ds:datarea
MOVFILES proc far
push bp ;save BP for basic
mov bp,sp ;set base for parm list
push ds ;save DS for basic
push es ;save ES for basic
mov ax,datarea ;local data space
mov ds,ax ;now DS is the local space
mov si,ss:[bp+10] ;get addr of old path string length
mov ax,es:[si] ;get len of old path string
mov o_pa_len,ax
mov ax,es:[si+2] ;get address of old path string
; set up address of string from basic and local data area string
mov si,ax ;set address of string in si
lea di,o_path ;load address of local data area string
mov cx,o_pa_len ;set loop counter to length of string
call mov_it ;move string to local area
;Append the mask to the end of the old path. (for the find first call)
mov ax,offset o_path;we need to compute the address where the
add ax,o_pa_len ; the append will begin. Offset plus length
add ax,1 ; plus 1 for the '\'.
mov o_off_set,ax ; save for future reference
mov di,ax ;load address of local data area string
mov si,ss:[bp+6] ;get addr of mask string length
mov cx,es:[si] ;get len of mask string
mov ax,es:[si+2] ;get address of mask string
; set up address of string from basic and local data area string
mov si,ax ;set address of string in si
call mov_it ;move string to local area
mov si,ss:[bp+8] ;get addr of new path string length
mov ax,es:[si] ;get len of new path string
mov n_pa_len,ax
mov ax,es:[si+2] ;get address of new path string
; set up address of string from basic and local data area string
mov si,ax ;set address of string in si
lea di,n_path ;load address of local data area string
mov cx,n_pa_len ;set loop counter to length of string
call mov_it ;move string to local area
mov ax,offset n_path;we need to compute the address where the
add ax,n_pa_len ; the append will begin. Offset plus length
add ax,1 ; plus 1 for the '\'.
mov n_off_set,ax
;Now all parameters are local. It is time to have local ES.
; mov ax,datarea ;local data space
; mov es,ax ;now ES is the local space
; assume es:datarea
;We will find the first file name in the old directory which matches on the
;mask. We will move it to the new path w/o changing its name. We will then
;invoke the find next call until all are moved.
mov ah,find_first ;find first match function number
mov cx,16h ;set attribute byte to match any file
mov dx,offset o_path ;DS:DX points to the absolute file name
; which we want to match
int doscall ;Call DOS
mov ah,get_dta ;get disk transf. area func. number
int doscall ;Call DOS
;ES:BX points to current disk transfer area
mov si,bx ;location of the DTA
add si,30d ;location of the name found
;Move into old path.
mov di,o_off_set ;address of where name should start in old path
mov cx,13d ; 8part name, period, 3 place extension, and 0h
call mov_it ; actually move it there
;Move into new path.
mov si,bx ;location of the DTA
add si,30d ;location of the name found
mov di,n_off_set ;address of where name should start in new path
mov cx,13d ; 8part name, period, 3 place extension, and 0h
call mov_it ; actually move it there
;We will now rename this first found before we enter the find next loop
;DS:DX points to old name
mov dx,offset o_path;location of old name put in DX
;ES:DI points to new name
push es ;save es for later
push ds ;need es to be equal to ds
pop es ; now it is
mov di,offset n_path ;location of new name put in DI
mov ah,re_name ;rename function number
int doscall ;Call DOS
pop es ;restore es for the next DTA.
;The first matching file if the old path has been found and moved.
;Now we will take care of all others in the do_next_old loop.
mov ah,find_next ;Find next function call
int doscall ;Call DOS
cmp ax,12h ;18d is the no more files error code
je exit ; leave if no more files
mov ah,get_dta ;get disk transf. area func. number
int doscall ;Call DOS
;ES:BX points to current disk transfer area
mov si,bx ;location of the DTA
add si,30d ;location of the name found
;Move into old path.
mov di,o_off_set ;address of where name should start in old path
mov cx,13d ; 8part name, period, 3 place extension, and 0h
call mov_it ; actually move it there
;Move into new path.
mov si,bx ;location of the DTA
add si,30d ;location of the name found
mov di,n_off_set ;address of where name should start in new path
mov cx,13d ; 8part name, period, 3 place extension, and 0h
call mov_it ; actually move it there
;We will now rename this file before we jump back to the find next loop
;DS:DX points to old name
mov dx,offset o_path;location of old name put in DX
;ES:DI points to new name
push es ;save es for later
push ds ;need es to be equal to ds
pop es ; now it is
mov di,offset n_path ;location of new name put in DI
mov ah,re_name ;rename function number
int doscall ;Call DOS
pop es ;restore es for the next DTA.
jmp do_next_old ;Go back to do the next one.
exit: pop es ; for basic
pop ds ; for basic
pop bp ; for basic
ret 6 ;return to basic 3 parameters were sent
mov_it proc near
; move string from basic data area to local data area
mov_st: mov al,es:[si] ;move character from basic to al
mov ds:[di],al ;move character to local data area
inc si ; increment
inc di ; pointers
loop mov_st ; if cx<>0 then do next
mov_it endp
cseg ends
end ;end of assembly